Interesting Links
- Associación Española de Normalización y Certificación(AENOR) (Spanish/English)
- Spanish National Securities Market Commission, (CNMV) (Spanish/English)
- European Forest Institute
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (Spanish/English)
- Forest Stewarship Council (English)
- Forestry & Natural Resources Purdue University (English)
- Instituto de Investigación de la Generalitat de Catalunya( IRTA) (Spanish/English)
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Argentina (INTA) (Spanish)
- Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (MARM) (Spanish/English)
- Rural cat (Spanish/English)
- Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Pesca y Alimentos, Argentina (SAGPyA) (Spanish)
- Forest Capital Partners LLC (English)
- Forest Systems (English)
- Global Forest Partners (English)
- GMO Renewable Resources (English)
- Hancock Timber Resource Group (English)
- Molpus Woodlands Group (English)
- Plum Creek (English)
- RMK Timberland Group (English)
- The Campbell Group (English)
- The Lyme Timber Company (English)
- Timbervest (English)
- Bergvik Skog AB (English)
- Coillte (English)
- FIM (English)
- Precious Woods (Spanish/English)
- Sveaskog (English)
- The International Woodland Company (IWC) (English)
- Tornator (English)
- Barcelona Stock Market (Spanish/English)
- Spanish National Securities Market Commission, (CNMV) (Spanish/English)
- FIM (English)
- Forest Inventory and Analysis (English)
- Irish Forestry Funds (English)
- National Council of Real Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) (English)
- Research & Development – RPA Assessment (English)
- USDA Forest Services (English)
Wood Industry and CO2
- The Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry (English)
- Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (English)
- James W.Sewall Company (GIS) (English)
- European Forest Institute (English)
- Foreign Agricultural Service (English)
- Forestry & Natural Resources Purdue University (English)
- American Harwood Export Council (English)
- CO2 Solutions (English)
- International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) (English)
- • Kyoto Protocol the United Nations (Spanish/English)
- Proyecto CENIT CO2 (Español/English)