Business Capital
The share capital of ECOLUMBER S.A. is NINE MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN THOUSAND AND TWENTY TWO THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NINETY ONE EUROS AND FIFTY CENTS (9,722,490.50€), divided and represented by 32,408,305 shares with a par value of 0.30 euro each, fully subscribed and paid up.
All shares belong to a single class and series, granting identical voting and economic rights to their holders, and are represented by book entries. The entity in charge of the accounting record is Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A., Sociedad Unipersonal (IBERCLEAR).
Corporate Governance
- Board of Directors
- Commissions
- By-Laws, Rules and Regulations
- Corporate Governance
- General Shareholders’ Assembly
- D. Joaquín Espallargas Iberni (Presidente del Consejo de Administración)
- D. Jorge Juan Blade Domínguez (Consejero Delegado)
- D. Rafael Tous Godia
- Dña. María Isabel Gómez Casals
- D. Alejandro Gortázar Fita
- D. Enrique Uriarte Iturrate
- D. Sergio Álvarez Sanz
Vice secretary Non-director:
- Mr. Pedro Ferreras García
Report from the Board of Directors about Point 6 of the Agenda
Report from the Board of Directors about Point 7 of the Agenda
Report from the Board of Directors about Point 11 of the Agenda
Appointments and Retribution Commission:
Name |
Position |
Typology |
Mr. Joaquín Espallargas Iberni |
President |
Independent External Director |
Mr. Alejandro Gortázar Fita |
Spokesperson |
Independent External Director |
Dña. Maria Isabel Gomez Casals |
Consejero Externo Dominical |
Auditing and Compliance Commission:
Name |
Position |
Typology |
D. Joaquín Espallargas Iberni |
President | Independent External Director |
D. Alejandro Gortázar Fita |
Spokesperson |
Independent External Director |
D. Rafael Tous Godia |
Spokesperson |
Consejero Externo Dominical |
Evaluation Report of Board and its Commissions 2018
Annual evaluation report of Appointments and Retributions Commission 2018
Annual evaluation report of Auditing and Compliance Commission 2018
Annual report of Auditing and Compliance Commission June 2017
Annual report of Appointments and Retributions Commission June 2017
Annual report of Auditing and Compliance Commission 2017
Annual report of Appointments and Retributions Commission 2017
Proposal from the Appointments and Retributions Commission 2017
Annual report of Auditing and Compliance Commission 2016
Annual report of Appointments and Retributions Commission 2016
Download documents:
General Assembly of Shareholders’ Regulation
Board of Directors’ Regulation
Auditing and Compliance Committee Regulation
Appointments and Retributions Committee Regulation
* The documents are in pdf format, to correctly read them Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed in your computer. If this software is not installed, you can obtain it free of charge from the Adobe official website:
Download documents:
* The documents are in pdf format, to correctly read them Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed in your computer. If this software is not installed, you can obtain it free of charge from the Adobe official website:
Electronic Forum for shareholders:
Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas 2024: (27/06/2024)
Ecolumber – Otra Información Relevante JGO (27.06.2024)
01. Ecolumber.- Convocatoria JGA 27.06.2024
02. Ecolumber.- Número Total de Acciones y Derechos de Voto
03. Ecolumber S.A- CCAA individuales e informe gestion 31.12.23
04. Ecolumber S.A-CCAACC e informe gestion 31.12.23
05. Ecolumber- Propuesta de acuerdos JGO
06. Ecolumber S.A. – IAGC 2023
07. Ecolumber, S.A. – IARC 2023
08. Ecolumber.- Informe CdA Compensación de pérdidas y reduccion de capital
09. Ecolumber – Informe sobre la independencia de los auditores (27.05.2024)
10. Ecolumber.- Modelo de Tarjeta de Asistencia, Representación y Voto a Distancia
11. Ecolumber.- Reglas sobre el voto y representación a distancia
Junta General Extraordinaria de Accionistas 2023: (16/10/2023)
Hecho Relevante Junta General Ordinaria Accionistas
1. Ecolumber- Propuesta de acuerdos JGE
2. Ecolumber.- Convocatoria JGA 15.09.2023
3. Ecolumber.- Modelo de Tarjeta de Asistencia, Representación y Voto a Distancia
4. Ecolumber.- Número Total de Acciones y Derechos de Voto
5. Ecolumber.- Reglas sobre el voto y representación a distancia
Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas 2023: (30/06/2023)
1. Ecolumber.- Convocatoria JGA 30.06.2023
2. Ecolumber.- Número Total de Acciones y Derechos de Voto
3.2. Informe de gestión (Individual) (2022)
4.2. Informe de gestión (Consolidado) (2022)
5. Ecolumber- Propuesta de acuerdos JGO
8.1. Ecolumber.- Informe de la CNR nombramiento Maria Isabel Gomez Casals (dominical)
8.2. Ecolumber.- Informe del CdA nombramiento Maria Isabel Gomez Casals (dominical)
9.1. Ecolumber.- Propuesta de la CNR reelección Alejandro Gortazar (independiente)
9.2. Ecolumber.- Informe del CdA reelección Alejandro Gortazar Fita (independiente)
9.3. Ecolumber.- Propuesta de la CNR reelección Joaquin Espallargas (independiente)
9.4. Ecolumber.- Informe del CdA reelección Joaquin Espallargas Iberni (independiente)
10. Ecolumber – Informe sobre la independencia de los auditores de cuentas (2022) (28.4.2023)
11. Ecolumber.- Modelo de Tarjeta de Asistencia, Representación y Voto a Distancia
12. Ecolumber.- Reglas sobre el voto y representación a distancia
Ecolumber.- Otra Información Relevante (Convocatoria JGO)
Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas 2022: (27/06/2022)
Anuncio de la convocatoria de la Junta General
Número Total de Acciones y Derechos de Voto
Cuentas anuales consolidadas 2021
Propuesta de la CNR reelección Miguel Ginesta
Informe del CdA reelección Miguel Ginesta
Informe de la CNR nombramiento Jordi Blade
Informe de la CdA reelección Jordi Blade
Informe de la CNR nombramiento Arturo de Trincheria
Informe de la CdA nombramiento Arturo de Trincheria
Informe de la CNR Nombramiento Rafa Tous
Informe de la CdA Nombramiento Rafa Tous
Informe de la CNR reeleccion Enrique Uriarte
Informe de la CdA reelección Enrique Uriarte
Modelo de Tarjeta de Asistencia, Representación y Voto a Distancia
Reglas sobre el voto y la representación a distancia
Política de Remuneraciones de los Consejeros de la Sociedad (2022-2024)
Propuesta del Consejo en relación con la política de remuneraciones del Consejo
Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas 2021: (28/06/2021)
Publicación Borme anuncio reducción Capital
Ecolumber. Otra Información Relevante (JGO)
1 Ecolumber Convocatoria Junta General de Accionistas
2 Ecolumber Número Total de Acciones y Derechos de Voto
3 Ecolumber CCAA Individuales e Informe Auditoría
4 Ecolumber CCAA Consolidades e Informe Auditoría
5 Ecolumber Propuestas de acuerdos
6 Ecolumber Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo 2020
7 Ecolumber Informe Anual Sobre Remuneraciones Consejeros 2020
8 Ecolumber Informe CdA nombramiento Consejera independiente
8 Ecolumber Propuesta CNR nombramiento Consejera Independiente
9 Ecolumber Informe CdA Nombramiento Consejero Dominical
9 Ecolumber Informe CNR nombramiento Consejero Dominical
10 Ecolumber Informe CdA Compensación de pérdidas y reducción de capital
11 Ecolumber informe aumento de capital por compensación de créditos
12 Ecolumber Informe del CdA modificación Estatutos Sociales
13 Ecolumber Informe del CdA modificación Reglamento Junta
14 Ecolumber Modelo de Tarjeta de Asistencia Representación y Voto a Distancia
15 Ecolumber Reglas sobre el voto y representación a distancia
Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly 2020: (30/10/2020)
Other Relevant Information JGO (30-10-2020)
Report about the independence of the accounting auditors (2019)
Annual evaluation report of Auditing and Compliance Commission (2019)
Proposal of General Assembly Agreements
JGO [Ordinary General Assembly] Announcement
Individual and consolidated annual accounts 2019
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms
Curriculum Identity and Category (Fernando Herrero)
Curriculum Identity and Category (Gerard Garcia-Gassull)
Curriculum Identity and Category (Juan Pi)_ES
Annual Report CNR performance evaluation 2019
Annual Report Corporate Governance 2019
Annual Report about Director’s Remunerations 2019
Board of Directors Report re-election Fernando Herrero
Board of Directors Report re-election Gerard Garcia-Gassull_ES
Board of Directors Report re-election Juan Pi
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report (Fernando Herrero)
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report (Gerard Garcia-Gassull_ES)
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report (Juan Pi)_ES
Evaluation Report Board and its Commissions (2019)
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly 2019: (17/06/2019)
Relevant Fact Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly
Proposal of General Assembly Agreements
Declaration of Responsibilities Consolidated Accounts – 2018
Declaration of Responsibilities Individual Accounts – 2018
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms
Annual Report Evaluation CAC 2018
Annual Report Evaluation Appointments and Retributions Commission 2018
Annual Report Corporate Governance
Annual Report Directors’ Remunerations
Appointments and Retributions Commission Report about Remunerations Policy
Evaluation Report of Board and its Commissions
Report about the independence of the accounting auditors 2018
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Board of Directors Proposal for Directors’ Remunerations
Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly 2019: (18/03/2019)
Attendance quorum to the Extraordinary General Assembly (18/03/19)
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms
Curriculum Identity and Category (A. Gortazar)
Curriculum Identity and Category (Acalios Invest)
Curriculum Identity and Category (J. Vergés)
Board of Directors Report re-election ACALIOS INVEST (point 2.3 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report re-election Juan Vergés (point 2.3 of the Agenda)
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report ACALIOS INVEST (point 2.2 of the Agenda)
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report ACALIOS INVEST (point 2.3 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report (Authorised Capital) (point 1 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report re-election Alejandro Gortázar (point 2.1 of the Agenda)
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly 2018:
16/11/2018 Announcement for Extraordinary General Assembly
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms
Auditor Report (point 1 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report Director appointment (point 2 of the Agenda)
Report from the Board of Directors (Point 1 of the Agenda)
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Board of Directors CNR appointment (Point 2 of the Agenda)
Attendance quorum to the Extraordinary General Assembly (17/12/18)
Relevant Fact 17.12. 2018 General Shareholders’ Assembly
General Shareholders’ Assembly 2018:
23/03/2018 Announcement for General Assembly
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Individual Annual Accounts (Point 2 of the Agenda)
Consolidated Annual Accounts (Point 3 of the Agenda)
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms
Proposal motivated by Board of Directors for Directors’ Remunerations (point 12 of the Agenda)
Complete text Proposal of Agreements
Board of Directors Report re-election Miguel Ginesta (point 6.1 of the Agenda)
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report Jordi Jofre (point 6.2 of the Agenda)
Appointments and Retributions Commission Report re-election G3T (point 6.4 of the Agenda)
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report BRINÇA 2004 (point 6.3 of the Agenda)
Appointments and Retributions Commission re-election Report Jorge Blade (point 6.5 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors re-election Report Jordi Jofre (point 6.2 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report re-election G3T (point 6.4 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report re-election BRINÇA 2004 (point 6.3 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report appointment Jorge Blade (point 6.5 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report appointment Enrique Uriarte (point 6.6 of the Agenda)
Board of Directors Report capital increase monetary contributions (point 9 of the Agenda)
CAC Report about independence of the auditors
Auditor Report increase compensation credits (point 10 of the Agenda)
Annual Report Directors’ Remunerations (point 13 of the Agenda)
Capital increase report (compensation of credits) (point 10 of the Agenda)
Attendance quorum to the Extraordinary General Assembly 2018
General Shareholders’ Assembly 2017:
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Individual Annual Accounts Report Management and Auditor Report 2016
Consolidated Annual Accounts Report Management and Auditor Report 2016
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms
Declaration of Responsibilities Consolidated Accounts
Annual Report about Director’s Remunerations
Report about the independence of the auditors
Attendance quorum to the Ordinary General Assembly June 2017
Complete text of the agreements approved in the General Assembly June 2017
General Shareholders’ Assembly 2017:
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms 2017
Individual Annual Accounts Report Management and Auditor Report 2016
Consolidated Annual Accounts Report Management and Auditor Report 2016
Annual Report about Director’s Remunerations 2016
Report required by articles 529.5 decies LSC about point 6 of the agenda
Regulation of the Shareholders’ Electronic Forum
Attendance quorum to the Ordinary General Assembly 2017
Complete text of the agreements approved in the General Assembly June 2017
General Shareholders’ Assembly 2016:
Total Number of Shares and Voting Rights
Individual Annual Accounts Report Management and Auditor Report 2015
Consolidated Annual Accounts Report Management and Auditor Report 2015
Annual Report Directors’ Remunerations 2015 point 9 of the Agenda.
Regulation of the Shareholders’ Electronic Forum 2016
Delegation and Remote Voting Forms 2016
General Assembly Presentation 2016
Attendance quorum to the Ordinary General Assembly 2016
Complete text of the agreements approved in the General Assembly 2016
* The documents are in pdf format, to correctly read them Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed in your computer. If this software is not installed, you can obtain it free of charge from the Adobe official website:
Financial Information
- Annual Accounts
- Intermediate Reports
- Average Period for Payment to Suppliers
- Other Financial Information
- Coverage of analysts
Descarga de documentos:
Todos los informes financieros anuales remitidos a la CNMV en formato electrónico único europeo están disponibles para su consulta en la página Web de CNMV
Cuentas Anuales Consolidadas 2023
Cuentas Anuales Individuales 2023
Todos los informes financieros anuales remitidos a la CNMV en formato electrónico único europeo están disponibles para su consulta en la página Web de CNMV
Cuentas Anuales Consolidadas 2022
Cuentas Anuales Individuales 202
Todos los informes financieros anuales remitidos a la CNMV en formato electrónico único europeo están disponibles para su consulta en la página Web de CNMV
Cuentas Anuales Consolidadas 2021
Cuentas Anuales Individuales 2021
Cuentas Anuales Consolidadas 2020
Cuentas Anuales Individuales Ecolumber 2020
Consolidated Annual Accounts 2019
Individual Annual Accounts Ecolumber 2019
Consolidated Annual Accounts 2018
Individual Annual Accounts Ecolumber 2018
Consolidated Annual Accounts 2017
Individual Annual Accounts Ecolumber 2017
Consolidated Annual Accounts 31 December 2016
Individual Annual Accounts 31 December 2016
Consolidated Annual Accounts 30 September 2016
Consolidated Annual Accounts 30 September 2015
Consolidated Annual Accounts 30 September 2015
Individual Annual Accounts 30 September 2015
* * The documents are in pdf format, to correctly read them Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed in your computer. If this software is not installed, you can obtain it free of charge from the Adobe official website:
Download documents:
2º Semestre 2021
3er Trimestre 2021
1er Semestre 2021
Informe de Gestión Intermedio 1 semestre 2021
Declaración intermedia Primer Semestre 2021
1erTrimestre 2021
2nd Semester 2020
3rd Trimester 2020
1st Semester 2020
Semi-annual Report 1s 2020 (PDF)
1stTrimester 2020
2nd Semester 2019
3rd Trimester 2019
1st Semester 2019
1st Trimester 2019
2nd Semester 2018
3rd Trimester 2018
1st Semester 2018
Explanatory notes financial balances (First trimester 18) (PDF)
Semester Report (Second semester 17)
Explanatory notes Financial balances (Second semester 17)
Intermediate Management Report (Second semester 17)
Trimester Report (Third trimester 17)
Intermediate Declaration (Third trimester 17)
Semester Report (First semester 17)
Explanatory notes Financial balances (First semester 17)
Intermediate Management Report (First semester 17)
Trimester Report (First trimester 17)
Intermediate Declaration (First trimester 17)
Semester Report (Second semester 16)
Explanatory notes Financial balances (Second semester 16)
Intermediate Management Report (Second semester 16)
Semester Report (Second semester 16-17)
Explanatory notes Financial balances (Second semester 16-17)
Intermediate Management Report (Second semester 16-17)
Semester Report (Second semester 15-16)
Explanatory notes Financial balances (Second semester 15-16)
Intermediate Management Report (Second semester 15-16)
Semester Report (Third trimester 15-16)
Trimester Financial Report (Third trimester 15-16)
Semester Report (First semester 15-16)
Explanatory notes Financial balances (First semester 15-16)
Intermediate Management Report (First semester 15-16)
Trimester Report (First trimester 15-16)
Intermediate Declaration (First trimester 15-16)
Semester Report (Second semester 14-15)
Explanatory notes Financial balances (Second semester 14-15)
The documents are in pdf format, to correctly read them Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed in your computer. If this software is not installed, you can obtain it free of charge from the Adobe official website:
Average Period for Payment to Suppliers
In accordance with article 539 of the Re-written Text of the Essential Corporate Law, indexed limited companies must publish on their corporate website the average payment period to their suppliers, and, in the case that the mentioned period is above the maximum established in the delinquency regulation, they must likewise indicate the measure to be applied in the following year to reduce the period until reaching that maximum. To that effect, it is notified that the average period for payment to ECOLUMBER, S.A. suppliers was 25 days for the year 2022.
Capital increase 2018:
Note about Shares and Summary Note
Download documents:
Coverage of analysts
Lighthouse – IEAF servicios de análisis, SLU
Informe Lighthouse Ecolumber 1 semestre 2021
Informe Lighthouse Ecolumber revision estimaciones 2021/07/02
Informe Lighthouse Ecolumber – 1T 2021
Informe inicio cobertura – 10/06/2020
Report Initial coverage – 10/06/2020
Informe Lighthouse Ecolumber 1s 2020
Informe Lighthouse Ecolumber 2s 2020
Informe Lighthouse Ecolumber 9m 2020
Report Lighthouse Ecolumber 1s 2020
Relevant facts / Privileged information
05/05/2022 HR Inscripcion RM-Reduccion y Aumento Compensacion Creditos
Comunicación de hecho relevante
13/05/2021 Renuncia Consejero
Comunicación de hecho relevante
12/04/2021Informe Anual Remuneración Consejo 2020
Comunicación de hecho relevante
21/05/2020 Renuncia Consejero
Comunicación de hecho relevante
15/06/2020 Informe Anual Remuneración Consejo 2019
Comunicación de hecho relevante
05/11/2020 Aprobación Acuerdos Junta Accionistas 2020
Comunicación de hecho relevante
07/06/2019 Updating of the Strategic Plan.
Communication of relevant fact
16/05/2019 Call for Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly.
Communication of relevant fact
30/04/2019 Annual report about directors’ remunerations.
Communication of relevant fact
21/03/2019 Composition of Board of Directors.
Communication of relevant fact
21/03/2019 Agreements adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly of 18th March 2019.
Communication of relevant fact
15/02/2019 Call for Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly
Communication of relevant fact
21/01/2019 Admission to negotiation of new shares
Communication of relevant fact
10/01/2019 Naming of the Vice-president of the Board of Directors
Communication of relevant fact
07/01/2019 Registry of Capital Increase Title
Communication of relevant fact
07/01/2019 Registry of Capital Increase by Credit compensation Title
Communication of relevant fact
04/04/2016 Communication relevant fact of the agreements adopted in the General Shareholders’ Assembly held on 30th March 2016.
09/03/2016 ECOLUMBER, S.A., announces that the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV, Spanish initials), has notified to this company, as well as to all the indexed companies or issuing entities, the obligation of the issuers for which Spain is their origin member State, to notify that condition to the CNMV and to the competent authorities of all admittance member states. On this date, the company remits the notification form.
29/02/2016 Call for the Ordinary Shareholders’ General Assembly of the Company that will be held in Barcelona on 30th March in first call and on the next day 31st March 2016 for the second call.
28/12/2018 Compliance with the conditions for the purchase/sale operation of Grupo Utega
Communication of relevant fact
27/12/2018 Agreements adopted by the General Shareholders’ Assembly held on 17th December 2018
Communication of relevant fact
20/12/2018 Communication of capital increase date after the Period for discreet assignment
Communication of relevant fact
22/11/2018 Related to the capital increase of ECOLUMBER approved by the Company General Shareholders’ Assembly held on 27th April 2018
Communication of relevant fact
18/12/2018 Definite data for subscription of the capital increase in first and sconed call
Communication of relevant fact
16/11/2018 Call for Extraordinary General Assembly of Company Shareholders
Communication of relevant fact
15/10/2018 Others about corporate operations
Communication of relevant fact
15/10/2018 Strategic plans, previsions, and presentations.
Communication of relevant fact
06/08/2018 Composition of board of directors. – Composition of other management and control bodies
Communication of relevant fact
02/05/2018 The Company held its Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly on 27th April 2018, where all the proposals from the Board of Directors forming part of the Agenda were approved.
Communication of relevant fact
27/04/2018 Communication relevant fact in the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly held on 27th April 2018.
Communication of relevant fact
26/03/2018 The Company remits the Annual Report about Director’s Remunerations year 2017.
Communication of relevant fact
26/03/2018 The Company remits the Annual Report about Corporate Governance year 2017.
Communication of relevant fact
26/03/2018 ECOLUMBER, S.A., in accordance with that established in the Essential Corporate Law, remits the complete text of the call announcement for the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly of the Company.
Communication of relevant fact
26/03/2018 The Company Board of Directors, in its meeting held on 19th March 2018, has unanimously agreed, to formalise the individual annual accounts of the Company corresponding to the year ending 31 December 2017.
Communication of relevant fact
15/01/2018 Announcement is made that ECOLUMBER, S.A. has acquired 100% of the business shares of the companies URIARTE ITURRATE S.L. and FRUTOS SECOS DE LA VEGA, S.L.
19/02/14 Announcement of the Call for the Ecolumber, S.A. General Shareholders’ Assembly for the 31st of March 2014.
09/01/14 Communication of the resignation of the Secretary not director of the Board of Directors.
Communication of relevant fact
21/12/2017 Announcement is made that yesterday the deed related to the capital increase was registered in the Barcelona Company Registry.
Communication of relevant fact
13/12/2017 Announcement is made that yesterday the capital increase with charge to monetary contributions and exclusion of the right to preferential subscription was made public.
Communication of relevant fact
05/12/2017 The Company announces that the expedited private placement process has finalised.
Communication of relevant fact
14/11/2017 The Company Board of Directors has agreed to make a capital increase with charge to monetary contributions and exclusion of the right to preferential subscription, to the nominal maximum amount of 1,516,553.85 euros.
Communication of relevant fact
09/10/2017 ECOLUMBER, S.A., has subscribed a non-binding agreement of intentions for the acquisition of the companies URIARTE ITURRATE, S.L. and FRUTOS SECOS DE LA VEGA, S.L.
Communication of relevant fact
26/06/2017 The Company announces that it held its Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly on 19th June 2017.
Communication of relevant fact
19/05/2017 Appointment of new members of the Appointments and Retribution Commission and of the Auditing and Compliance Commission.
Communication of relevant fact
17/05/2017 Call for the Ordinary Shareholders’ General Assembly of the Company, which will be held in Barcelona, on 19th June 2017 at 12:00 in first call and the next day on 20th June at the same time in second call.
Communication of relevant fact
05/04/2017 The Company announces that it held its Ordinary General Shareholders’ Assembly on 30th March 2017, in Barcelona.
Communication of relevant fact
28/02/2017 2017 Call for the Ordinary Shareholders’ General Assembly of the Company that will be held in Barcelona on 30th March in first call.
Communication of relevant fact
27/01/2017 The Company remits the Annual Report about Director’s Remunerations year 2016.
Communication of relevant fact
27/01/2017 The Company remits the Annual Report about Corporate Governance year 2016.
30/11/2015 The General Shareholders’ Assembly held on 26th March 2015, decided to modify the Preamble and articles 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 18, 22, and 23 of the General Shareholders’ Assembly of the Company regulation to adapt them to that disposed in Law 31/2014 of 3rd December for the improvement of Corporate Governance.
18/09/2015 Announcement is made that the General Directorate of Financial Politics, Insurance and Treasury of the Catalonia Regional Government has verified the request for admission to negotiation of 5,823,529 new shares corresponding to the monetary capital increase with right to preferential subscription by the Company.
09/09/2015 Communication of the registry of the Capital Increase in the Barcelona Company Registry. 17/08/2015 The Company declares it has subscribed all the expected Capital increase.
14/08/2015 Communication of opening the period for discreet assignment during which the shares not assigned during the preferential subscription period will be awarded and the assignment of additional shares.
30/07/2015 The Board of Directors has approved appointing Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A.U., as the entity responsible for the accounting registry of that shares represented by notations in the Ecolumber account.
30/07/2015 Communication of the inscription the Barcelona Company Registry of the modification of the General Shareholders’ Assembly regulation and the regulation of the Board of Directors.
16/07/2015 Communication of the publication in the B.O.R.M.E of the announcement for issuing ordinary shares with the capital increase data of the Company. 14/07/2015 Communication of the registry in the General Directorate of Financial Politics, Insurance and Treasury of the Catalonia Regional Government official register of the Registry Document, the Note about the Shares, and the Summary.
Communication of the approval by the Board of Directors of a new text for the Regulation of the Board of Directors and the Regulation of the Auditing and Compliance Commission to adapt them the new incorporation in the Essential Corporate Law.
19/05/2015 Communication of approval by the Board of Directors for the appointment of new members of the Appointments and Retribution Commission and of the Auditing and Compliance Commission.
31/03/2015 Communication relevant fact of the agreements adopted in the General Shareholders’ Assembly held on 26th March 2015.
23/02/2015 Call for the Ordinary Shareholders’ General Assembly of the Company that will be held in Barcelona on 26th March in first call and on the next day 27th March 2016 for the second call.
23/02/2015 The Board of Directors has unanimously adopted the following agreements: 1. Build the Appointments and Retributions Commission 2. Approve the Regulation of the Appointments and Retributions commission.
23/02/2015 The Board of Directors has approved changes in the composition of the Auditing and Compliance Commission.
23/02/2015 The Board of Directors, in its meeting held on 19th February 2015, after the favourable report from the Appointments and Retribution Commission, has decided to appoint Mr. Pedro Ferreras Garcia, as new Vice-secretary of the Board of Directors.
23/02/2015 The Company communicates that in the meeting of the Board of Directors held on 19th February 201, it has resolved to approve the Company Expansion and Business Plan for the coming years.
18/02/13 Announcement of the Call for the Ecolumber, S.A. General Shareholders’ Assembly for the 19th of March 2013.
- modification of articles 1 and 11 of the Company By-laws; and
- modification of article 8 of the General Shareholders’ Assembly Regulation.
03/04/12The company announces the unanimous approval, in the General Shareholders’ Assembly held in first call on 26th March 2012, of all the proposals by the Board of Directors contained in the Agenda of the meeting.
21/02/12 The company announces the content of the Call for a General Shareholders’ Assembly for the 26th of March 2012.
20/02/12 Announcement of the Call for the Eccowood Invest, S.A. General Shareholders’ Assembly for the 26th of March 2012.
04/04/11 On 30th September 2010, the company Finplanners, S.L.U., member of the board of directors of Eccowood Invest S.A., agreed, due to the resignation to the post presented by the previous representative as director Ms. Elena Yepes Evangelista, to appoint Mr. Jordi Jofre Arajol as representative of Finplanners S.L.U., in the Board of Directors of Eccowood Invest, S.A.
04/10/11 Agreement for the resolution of the current contracts between Eccowood Invest, S.A. and the company Cultivos Agroforestales Eccowood, S.A., as well as for the acquisition of the shares that Cultivos Agroforestales Eccowood, S.A., holds in the same.
26/10/11 On 20th June 2011, the company Relocation Inversiones S.L., member of the board of directors of Eccowood Invest S.A., agreed, due to the resignation to the post presented by the previous representative as director of Mr. Gabriel Rossy Ramírez, to appoint as representative Mr. Juan Pi Llorens of Relocation Inversiones S.L. in the Board of Directors Eccowood Invest, S.A.
16/03/10 Announcement for the General Assembly 29 April
16/03/10 Modification of investment portfolio
15/04/10 Other corporate operations: The company announces that conversations have been initiated with Cultivos Agroforestales Eccowood, S.A. To study the viability of a possible operation for integration between both companies.
15/04/10The company announces It has accepted the voluntary resignations to their posts presented by Ms. Yolanda Bassat Orellana and Mr. Juan Alejandro Gómez Rubio, appointing as president of the Board of Directors Mr. Francesc Nadal Ribera.
12/11/10 On 23rd June 2010, the company Relocation Investment S.L., member of the board of directors of Eccowood Invest S.A., agreed, due to the resignation to the post presented by the previous representative as director Ms. Elena Yepes Evangelista, to appoint Mr. Gabriel Rossy Ramírez as representative of Relocation Inversiones S.L., in the Board of Directors of Eccowood Invest, S.A.
12/11/10 On 13th September 2010 th Board of Directors of Eccowood Invest S.A., decides to accept the voluntary resignation presented on the same date by Mr. Jorge Campins Figueras, to his post as member of the board of directors of Eccowood Invest, S.A.
30/09/09 Rupture of negotiations with Candlewood Timber Group LLC